Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mikhail Gorbachev and the Collapse of Communism

Mikhail Gorbachev was the yongest leader for the Soviet Union at age 54. Mikhail did support the Soviet Union but saw that there was a decrease in the economy so, had other ideas. He did not like the ideas of totalitarianism and rewarding the silence of others or discouraging people acting on their own. So enough he figured out that there was going to be a collapse of communism in Russia. So he made his on policies one being glasnost, which was allowing citizens to talk about ways to improve the society. And also perestroika, which was allowing citizens to open up their own business. Many people started diliking Communism & it helped on the collapse of Communism. This gave people a voice & the right to vote, leading them to think about how American's government was like .

The collapse of Communism

The Collapse of Communism was because there were many econmical problems, polictical downfall & it had no support.The Soviet Union collapsed because socialism failed & they had a lot of competion cause them to waste all the money on weapons. The USSR collapse on Stalin's cause, he invested no maney on these couries only on the weapons. Berlin was seperated to EAST & WEST & people tore it down because their were 2 systems & they wanted to unify it. This was such a good relief because many countries turned to capitalist.