Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Film Lesson: "The Right Stuff"

In the film “The Right Stuff” the US and the USSR were in a cold war competing to see who was more advanced in technology and science. It starts of by the US trying to break the sound barrier and finally breaking it. Meanwhile, the Russians had the first satellite called “Sputnita”. Also the Russian were the first to launch a rocket ship. They were far ahead of the US. IT took the US a while to make a functional rocket ship. When the US thought they were a head by have the first monkey in space, the Russian had the fist human being is space. It was a endless race. However, the US was the first to have people on the moon and that’s why they win the war. The scenes that will help me remember this Cold War is the attempts the US had to make the functional rocket ship. Another one is knowing that the first man in space was Russian.

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